Lauryn Benedict, Chair

Department of Biological Sciences, University of Northern Colorado

Lauryn is a Professor of Biological Sciences at the University of Northern Colorado. Her research explores the form, function, and evolution of avian vocalizations. She has previously served the AOS as a Council Member, Associate Editor, and more. She is excited to chair this year’s Local Host Committee.

Local Host Committee Members

Scott Taylor
Garth Spellman
Kyle Horton
Kristen Ruegg
Sara Garcia
Cristina Barros
Sara Oyler-McCance
Sara Padula
Matt Carling
Mikko Jimenez
Hermione Deng
Annika Abbott

Tyler Cash
Erik Schoenborn
Cozette Romero
Kelly Roberts
Megan Jones Patterson
Ted Floyd
Susan Bonfield
Chris Anne Handel
Holden Fox
Kim Jordan
Reina Isabel Galvan
Erin Stewart

Special thanks to our conference supporters
