We’ve pulled together various detailed guides and resources for our AOS 2024 presenters to help prepare for this year’s meeting. If you’re seeking guidance that is not included below, please contact us at meeting[at]americanornithology.org.

We will add resources as they become available, so please bookmark this web page and check back frequently for updates!

Presenter Guides & Resources

Detailed guides covering requirements and best practices for each presentation type.

Checklist for Oral Presentations

Preparing Your Presentation

  • The oral presentation time is shorter than in previous years, 11.5 minutes total with 2 minutes for Q&A. 
  • There will be a 1.5-minute transition period between speakers. During this time, attendees can move between rooms. Plan to end your presentation on time as local music will be played throughout the transition periods. See the full presentation timeline on the second slide here.
  • We encourage the use of English for your slides; however, if presentations are in a language other than English, bilingual slides are strongly encouraged. Note that we will not have translation services at the meeting for oral presentations and cannot guarantee that the Q&A for oral presentations will be available in languages other than English.
  • All slide presentations will have closed captioning added. Slides should be free of content across the bottom 0.9 inches. See this template.
  • Slide presentations will only be accepted in a 16:9 widescreen aspect ratio. To set up this aspect ratio in PowerPoint, click on the ‘Design’ tab in the ribbon menu at the top of the screen and under the ‘Slide Size’ option select ‘Widescreen (16:9)” from the dropdown menu. 
  • Only Microsoft PowerPoint or PDF documents not exceeding 450 MB will be accepted. If you made your presentation using Google Slides or Keynote, we recommend you save these files as PDFs to retain their layout. If your file exceeds the storage limit or if you have a video as part of your presentation, please contact meeting@americanornithology.org at least 24 hours in advance of your presentation to receive instructions. 
  • All video files embedded in presentations must be saved in a .mp4 format. If you are making your presentations in PowerPoint for Mac and are including video files make sure that the videos are saved in a .mp4 format for compatibility with a PC. Click here for more detailed instructions.
  • Note that the conference presentations will be conducted on PCs. It is recommended that you test your presentation on a PC before the conference. We will also have some PCs located at the registration desk for this purpose.

Submitting Your Presentation

AOS 2024 presentations will be submitted through the Speaker Portal. Login using your AOS Member Portal username and password (same as what you used when submitting your abstract). Presentations must be uploaded on the day before your presentation by 23:59 MT (GMT -6). For example, all presentations on 2 October need to be uploaded by 23:59 MT on 1 October. Note that speakers will NOT be allowed to upload updated versions of their presentation directly onto the laptop before their session. Just in case there is an issue with the submitted file, please have a copy of your presentation available on a USB flash drive at the conference.

Files will need to use the following name format

[Date of Presentation]_[Session Time]_[Last Name]

Example: 021024_A_Cohen for a presentation in the morning session on 2 October 2024 by Cohen

  • Date of Presentation: DDMMYY (day month year ex: 2 October 2024 is 021024)
  • Session Time: A = Morning (10:30-12:00), B = Early afternoon (13:30-15:00), C = Late afternoon (15:30-17:00)
  • Last Name: Last Name as written in the scientific program

Checklist for Poster Presentations

Before the meeting

  • The poster boards at the conference can accommodate posters with a maximum size of 121 x 121 cm (4’ x 4’), so please design and print your poster accordingly. Push pins for mounting posters will be available at the conference venue. We encourage the use of English for your posters; however, if presentations are in a language other than English, bilingual posters are strongly encouraged. 
  • All presenters are required to accept the terms in the 2024 Presenter’s Agreement by following these instructions. Log into the Speaker Portal using your AOS Member Portal username and password (same as what you used when submitting your abstract). Select AOS 2024 under the Conference Center module of the Dashboard -> Click “Ready Room” -> Open the 2024 Presenter Agreement located under “Forms” -> Review the terms, select the appropriate option to indicate you agree ->  click “Submit”. Presenters can provide an optional bio that will be visible to attendees via the conference app. You can add this through the Speaker Portal by selecting “Bio/Photo” under the Dashboard menu.

At the meeting

Poster sessions take place in the Assembly Hall. You will need your poster number to find your assigned location. Posters can be set up starting at 16:00 on Tuesday 1 October. We ask that presenters hang their posters as soon as possible and keep them up throughout the meeting. That way attendees can stop by between sessions and during breaks, in addition to the poster sessions. Posters should be removed on the morning of the last day of the meeting, before 10:30 on Saturday 5 October. Presenting authors scheduled for Poster Session 1 are expected to be present at their poster on Wednesday 2 October, 19:00–21:00 pm. Presenting authors scheduled for Poster Session 2 are expected to be present at their poster on Friday 4 October, 19:00–21:00 pm. 

Special thanks to our conference supporters
