Call for Workshops & Training Opportunities

AOS 2024 | American Ornithological Society (AOS), 1–5 October 2024

Submission Deadline: 31 January 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET

We seek a varied suite of proposals for workshops and training opportunities at the 2024 meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) to be held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA 1–5 October 2024. Our aim is to provide workshops and training opportunities that cover a wide range of timely topics highlighting exciting advances in ornithological research, management, education, and conservation and will be of interest to a wide audience, from agency staff to early-career ornithologists. We encourage proposals that include instructors or volunteers who are fluent in both English and Spanish to increase the accessibility of the event (but this is not a requirement).

Workshops are hands-on learning exercises where participants engage in a mix of lectures and activities, and leave with some new skill or knowledge set. Examples might include navigating new analytical software, exploring emerging ornithological techniques, and field techniques for invasive species management.  

Training opportunities are either lecture-based or involve a discussion panel, where the emphasis is more on the transfer of knowledge and less on hands-on training, and targeted towards larger audiences. 

AOS 2024 will be an in-person conference with some online offerings. Organizers of workshops and training opportunities have the option to deliver their sessions either virtually or in-person. In-person workshops will be scheduled for Tuesday, 1 October, and virtual workshops should occur the week prior to the meeting (23-27 September).

The timing and duration of in-person workshops are flexible and may range from a single 90-minute session to an all-day event. Organizers of virtual sessions can propose workshops that span multiple days, but are encouraged to limit the duration of any single session to two hours or less. Advance registration is required for participation in all workshops and training opportunities.

Instructions for Submitting Proposals

Proposals must be submitted through the online AOS Member Portal. You will need to create a free account on the Member Portal if you do not already have one.

The submission deadline is 31 January 2024. This deadline will not be extended.

Proposals must include:

  • title of workshop or training opportunity
  • name and affiliation of instructor(s)
  • a one-sentence summary of objectives (< 300 characters)
  • overview of the workshop or training opportunity (< 1,500 characters)
  • brief statement of instructor expertise on the proposed topic
  • preferred number of participants (minimum, maximum) 
  • target audience
  • preferred format (in-person, virtual, or flexible)
  • proposed dates, times, and duration
  • anticipated total cost
  • proposed costs for participants
  • justification of costs
  • specific materials or technology needed

Translation Resources / Recursos de traducción

Please note that the submission form is in English. If English is not your primary language, the following documents and online language translation tools may be helpful:

Tenga en cuenta que el formulario de envío está en inglés. Si el inglés no es su idioma principal, los siguientes documentos y herramientas de traducción de idiomas en línea pueden resultarle útiles:

If you need additional translation assistance regarding this form, please contact

Si necesita ayuda adicional con la traducción con respecto a este formulario, comuníquese con


Send questions to Jared Elmore of the Scientific Program Committee, with the subject AOS 2024 Workshop, via email to


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