Call for Roundtable Discussions & Working Groups

AOS 2024 | American Ornithological Society (AOS), 1–5 October 2024

Submission Deadline: 31 January 2024, at 11:59 p.m. ET

We seek a varied suite of proposals for roundtable discussions and working groups at the 2024 meeting of the American Ornithological Society (AOS) to be held in Estes Park, Colorado, USA, 1–5 October 2024. Proposals should address timely topics highlighting exciting advances in ornithological research, and how that research is translated into management, education, and conservation. Our aim is to provide opportunities of interest to a wide audience, from agency staff to early-career ornithologists, across the Americas and around the world. 

Roundtable or working group discussions are open to meeting participants and are typically scheduled during lunch, in the morning, or the early afternoon. They are typically scheduled outside of the general session times so that they do not conflict with plenaries, student presentations, and symposia. Roundtables and working groups are  forums for discussions centred on current or emerging issues and their future directions; alternatively, they can be used as a venue to gather information for generating planning documents, or to share information broadly. Any subjects of broad interest in ornithology are welcome. Symposia organizers may additionally be interested in roundtable sessions for further topical discussions; where possible, symposia-related roundtables would be scheduled on the same day. Roundtable organizers and panelists are expected to make their own travel arrangements and pay full conference registration. 

Instructions for Submitting Proposals

Proposals for roundtable discussions and working group discussions will include:

  • title
  • name, affiliation, and contact information of organizer(s)
  • abstract (< 1,500 characters; please highlight the desired outcome of the discussion)
  • a one-sentence session summary (< 300 characters)
  • names and affiliations of confirmed panelists (proposals with confirmed panelists will be more likely to be accepted than those without)
  • statement of how the slate of panelists includes diverse perspectives and voices
  • target audience
  • proposed duration (1–2 hours, note that organizers will have a choice of time slots but sessions longer than an hour are likely to overlap with other program activities)
  • range of preferred dates (2–5 October)

All proposals must be received by 31 January 2024

Send questions to Emily Cohen and Jen Walsh, co-chairs of the Scientific Program Committee (via email to, with the subject AOS 2024 Roundtable.

Proposals for roundtable discussions and working group discussions must be submitted through the online AOS Member Portal. You will need to create a free account on the Member Portal if you do not already have one.

Translation Resources / Recursos de traducción

Please note that the submission form is in English. If English is not your primary language, the following documents and online language translation tools may be helpful:

Tenga en cuenta que el formulario de envío está en inglés. Si el inglés no es su idioma principal, los siguientes documentos y herramientas de traducción de idiomas en línea pueden resultarle útiles:

If you need additional translation assistance regarding this form, please contact

Si necesita ayuda adicional con la traducción con respecto a este formulario, comuníquese con


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